The International Society of Holter and Non-invasive Electrocardiology (ISHNE) is an established international society that involves physicians, technicians, nurses and students interested in different aspects of electrocardiology.
It is a non-profit organization that helps advance knowledge, innovation and research in all aspects of clinical and experimental electrocardiology. It has an annual meeting in joint with the International Society of Electrocardiology (ISE) called ICE (International Congress in Electrocardiology). ISHNE oversees organizing the meeting every other year. ISHNE also has a website, and an educational platform called ECG University.
To develop a space within ISHNE to promote young individuals to get involved in education and research in electrocardiology called ISHNE Young Community (ISHNE YC). Their responsibilities will include: planning educational sessions (webinars), proposing international efforts to keep advancing science, to actively participate during the ISHNE meetings and to explore all Social Media educational platforms to expand ECG knowledge. Those former members of the ISHNE YC that have completed their term (older than 40) will be considered for active representation in the Board of Trustees (if available positions).
- Director: The Director will serve for 2 years and will be replaced at each ISHNE meeting. The selection of the next candidate will be internally discussed within the ISHNE YC group. In case of disagreement, the ISHNE President (along with the BOT) will host the final decision.
- Secretary: Will serve for the same 2 years. If the Secretary performs within expectations, should be immediately promoted as the next Director.
- Vocals: Max of 8. Special attention to Diversity and Inclusiveness should be paid. Equal representation of gender and diverse geographical background should be of utmost importance.
- Age: Less or equal to 40 years of age. Once a member turns 41, the natural evolution would be to move to the organizational structure of ISHNE (as regular members or into the Board of Trustees depending on available positions).
- Background: Cardiologists, internists, nurses, technicians, Med and Health Sciences students, fellows and residents.
- Two letters: One from the same individual stating his/her interest in Electrocardiology. One from a Mentor, Tutor, Head of Division, Head at School, etc. These letter will be approved by the ISHNE Board of Trustees and stored in a folder called ISHNE YC.
- The first round of members will be elected by the ISHNE Board of Trustees, and then the group will gain full autonomy.