16-17th October 2015 the 4th Conference «Controversies of Modern Cardiology: disputable and unresolved questions» and 3d Forum of Young Cardiologists took place in Samara (Russia). More than 1100 participants from Russia, USA, Portugal, Czech Republic, and Germany visited the Conference this year. The Program comprised more than 50 scientific and industry symposium. Three of them were under the auspices of International Society of Holter and Noninvasive Electrocardiology.
Symposium#1 International Society of Holter and Noninvasive Electrocardiology in collaboration with Russian Cardiology Society Working Groups “Autonomic Nervous System” & “Syncopy”
Chairpersons: Pevzner A (Moscow), Golovina G. (Togliatti)
Pevzner A (Moscow) «Difficult cases of vasovagal syncope »
Golovina G. (Togliatti) «Autonomic dysfunction of SA node during situational syncope »
Lykshina N. (Togliatti) «Syncope: when EEG can help»
Shlevkov N. (Moscow) «Syncope in patients with VT»
Symposium#2 International Society of Holter and Noninvasive Electrocardiology
Chairpersons: Lobodzinski Suave (Los Angeles, USA), Zaklyazminskaya E. (Moscow), Litvin A. (Moscow)
Lobodzinski Suave (USA) «Very Long Term Heart Monitoring – Opportunities and Challenges»
Zaklyazminskaya E. (Moscow) «New genetic technologies»
Litvin A. (Moscow) «Rhythm and conduction disturbances in patients with sleep apnea»
Bayrambekov E. (Moscow) «SIPAP-therapy in a patient with sleep apnea accompanied by rhythm and conduction disturbances »
Symposium#3 International Society of Holter and Noninvasive Electrocardiology in collaboration with Russian Society of Heart Failure
Chairpersons: Sitnikova M. (S.-Peterburg), Fontes-Carvalho Ricardo (Porto, Portugal), Vygovski A. (Kaliningrad)
Sitnikova M. (S.-Peterburg) «Treatment of CHF: different schools – different approaches (Russian CHF Registry)?»
Fontes-Carvalho Ricardo (Porto, Portugal) «Diastolic dysfunction and diastolic heart failure»
Duplyakov D. (Samara) «LBBB – past, present and future »
TrukhiNA M. (S.-Peterburg) «Echo in dyssynchrony assessment: responders and non-responders»
Vygovski A. (Kaliningrad) «CRT – methodological issues»
We cordially invite all colleagues to visit Samara next year 21-22nd October 2016.
Dmitry Duplyakov