Jerzy Zadara passed away

On September 16 passed away Jerzy Zadara (age of 68), President of Oxford Poland.

He was a man of business. He perfectly knew business rules but was never slave of them. He understood that business is for profit but he was first of all a visionary and could also realize the visions of others – and in the name of vision could incur losses. Those his qualities have created in the 80s of the twentieth century in Central Europe possibility of making a leap forward in the field of cardiology and electrocardiology. Jerzy Zadara took a risk and invested in technology invented by Norman Holter, long-term ambulatory ECG monitoring. Jerzy Zadara supported financially education, teaching and sciences . He also significantly supported activities of ISHNE. We will keep him in our memories.

President of ISHNE
Ryszard Piotrowicz