November 12, 2016
Dear Friends:
At our last Board of Trustees meeting, I asked the Board to consider merging our biannual congress with other socieities’ congresses that had similar or near identical orientation and focus to ours. The advantages were multiple and included the potential for larger and more diverse audiences, pooling of financial resources, and greater suport opportunities. The Board unanimously approved the proposal and exploratory discussion with other ECG societies was endorsed.
I am happy to report on the success of these efforts. Beginning with the 2017 ISHNE congress, our society will join forces with the International Society of Electrocardiography (ISE). The Council of ISE unanimously endorsed this initiative. This joint congress will be held in Portland, Oregon on June 24-27, 2017 and will be lead by Dr. Larisa Tereschenko. More information is available on the ISHNE website.
Each year a congress will be held, and ISHNE and ISE will alternate overall sponsorhip and leadership versus co-sponsorhip and support. Locations and program directors will be selected by the individual society with input from the partner society.
This is an important milestone in the history of ISHNE and we should feel encouraged for the future of our scientific sessions. I hope you will be able to join me and our colleagues in Portland for what will be a wonderful educational and collaborative experience. Please feel free to contact me if you have any comments or questions. Thank you.
Jonathan S. Steinberg, MD President, ISHNE