Abstract submission deadline for the 49th International Congress on Electrocardiology is February 9th 2024
It is important that the abstract is structured according to the proposed structure below and does not exceed the maxmial number of words specified below.
We recommend you structure your abstract using the following headings:
- Background/Introduction
- Purpose
- Methods
- Results
- Conclusion(s)
Abstract size – The maximal abstract size is 300 words. The character limit does not include the title and the authors. Only the abstract text and spaces are taken into account.
Abstract picture(s) – In addition to your text, you can add up 1 picture.
Should you wish to insert a table in your submission, you need to upload it as a picture.
If you are an early career researcher under 35 years you may be eligible for the Young Investigator Award competition. If you wish to participate, make sure you tick the appropriate box at the abstract submission site.
Full set of rules
Young Investigator’s Award Rules
1. The award of $500 is bestowed by the President of the International Council on Electrocardiology during the closing ceremony of the International Congress of Electrocardiology. A second prize of $300 and a third prize of $200 are also awarded.
2. The Young Investigator’s Award should be managed by the Member of the Council designated as the Young Investigator Award Chairman. This individual should liaise closely with the local President of the Congress in the organization of the competition.
3. A jury of at least four members of the International Council should be chosen each year to select the winner. They would normally include the Chairman of the Young Investigator’s Award Competition and the President of the Congress, together with the President and President Elect of the Council. If specific expertise is required to judge one or more presentations, member(s) of the council with the required knowledge should be added to the jury. None of the jury should have a connection with the research being presented; if so, another member of the Council should take his/her place. The Organizer of the Congress should make arrangements for six finalists to present their research in a plenary session devoted to “The Young Investigator’s Award”.
4. Each YIA submission should describe a scientific investigation in the field of electrocardiology, a substantial portion of which is the product of the candidate. If multiple names are included in the authors’ list, the Head of the candidate’s Department should provide a supporting statement outlining the contribution of the candidate.
5. Each YIA scientist, who must be under 35 years of age at the date of the Congress, is entitled to apply for the Award by submitting one and only one abstract of his/her work to the Congress. Previous finalists who have won a first, second or third prize are not eligible to compete again. A young investigator in training is not expected to have his/her own research funds nor are they expected to be leading a research team, i.e., an entrant should not be an established investigator.
6. The abstract should be submitted in electronic form using the conference abstract submission system. The abstract should be accompanied by the following declaration:
“The (first named) author requests that this abstract be considered for ‘The Young Investigator’s Award’. The (first named) author certifies that the results are based on original research in which he/she has made a primary contribution. Furthermore, this author certifies to being less than thirty-five years of age at the date of the Congress”.
Signature of Author ……………………………………………
I certify that the author was primarily responsible for the work described in the abstract.
Signature of Sponsor, e.g. Head of Department ……………………………………………….
Date ……………………….
7. From all applications submitted for “The ISE Young, Investigator’s Award”, six candidates should be selected. This review and selection should be carried out by at least five members of the International Council on Electrocardiology, including the Jury as outlined in clause 3. The Young Investigator Award Chairman will be responsible for selecting the members of the panel who will be asked to review and score all the abstracts submitted for the Award. None of the reviewers should be linked to any of the research in the abstracts under consideration. The Chairman of the Young Investigator’s Competition should view all scores and then choose the best six as finalists. At no time should selection of abstracts be based on geographic considerations–only scientific merit should be considered.
8. The Young Investigator Award session at the Annual Congress should be chaired by the Young Investigator Award Chairman and the President of the Council. They must ensure that time guidelines are met and in the event that questions pose difficulties of understanding due to language barriers, they can allow sympathetic assistance within the time guidelines.
9. The Council should try to find a means of publishing the abstracts of those presentations given in “The Young Investigator’s Award” session, if possible, in the Journal of Electrocardiology. Abstracts that are not presented in any session, or are presented by someone other than the Young Investigator, should not be published.
Last modified: November 29, 2017 by Rob MacLeod