ISHNE Bylaws

I. Name

The name of the organization shall be the International Society for Holter and Noninvasive Electrocardiology

II. Objectives

The purposes of the Society shall be establishing an organization composed of physicians and scientists of good will, high standing and dedicated to the following objectives:

  1. To promote and develop science pertaining to the recording of cardiovascular signals from the surface of the body.
  2. To encourage and participate in the continuing education of physicians and other scientists in field relating to Holter-recorder cardiovascular data by means of annual scientific sessions, publications, and such other instructional programs as may from time to time be deemed appropriate.
  3. To encourage the development and cooperate with the function of centers for study, treatment and research of cardiovascular signals from the surface of the body
  4. To promote public welfare by education directed toward a better understanding of the significance of disordered cardiovascular signals recorded from the surface of the body

III. Board of Trustees

4.01: The Board of Trustees shall be responsible for the affairs of the Society. The Board of Trustees shall have the power to make Bylaws for the government of the Society and to alter, change or amend such Bylaws.

4.02: The Board of Trustees shall consist of the five officers of the Society, the Immediate Past President, and eleven Members reflecting international representation as may be elected at the biennial meeting of the Society. The president may recommend one person as the BOT members, if necessary. The Board of Trustees shall meet at least once a year.

4.03: The term of office of an elected Trustee shall be four years.

4.04: Eight Trustees shall be elected at each biennial meeting. In addition, Trustees shall be elected to fill the unexpired terms of members of the Board whose seats are vacated by death, by resignation, or by the application of Section 10 os this Article IV. In that instance where a current member of the Board of Trustees is elected to an office, a Trustee shall be elected to fill the unexpired term.

4.05: No Trustee having served a term may be elected to succeed himself/herself. After two years have passed following completion of a term of office, the individual may again be elected to the Board of Trustees.

4.06: The President shall serve as a Trustee for two years immediately following the expiration of his/her term of office as President.

4.07: Upon attaining the age of 70, the Founders of the Society shall become Honorary Trustees for life

4.08: Upon completion of his/her term of service as a Trustee, each Past President shall become an Honorary Trustee for life.

4.09: The Honorary Trustee may be invited by the President to attend any meeting of the Board of Trustees and to take part its deliberations but may not vote.

4.10: Any voting member of the Board who fails to attend two consecutive regular meetings without valid written excuse will be automatically dropped from the Board of Trustees.

VI. Officers

The officers of the Society shall consist of a President, a President- Elect, a Vice-President, a Secretary and a Treasure.

V. International Governors

Geographic representation of the membership shall be by means of International Governors, elected by the Board of Trustees, whose duties and privileges shall be defined by the Bylaws.

VI. Membership

The membership of the Society shall be of the following classes: Member, Member Emeritus, Distinguished Member, and Honorary Member. Only Members and distinguished Members shall be entitled to all the privileges of the Society, including the privileges of voting and holding office.

VII. Funds

The funds of the Society shall be derived from dues collected from each Member as fixed by the Board of Trustees, as well as by endowments, gifts, grants, and bequests to the Society, and from income from various scientific sessions, publications, and such other sources as may be agreed upon by the Board of Trustees.

VIII. Dissolution

8.01: No proposal for dissolution shall be considered unless in a regular biennial meeting and after four weeks’ notice in writing a proposal for dissolution is given to each Member in good standing. A three-quarter vote of those present will be required for the presentation to the total membership. The Society shall not be dissolved while five percent of the Members in good standing dissent.

8.02: In the event of the dissolution of the Society, the assets of the Society shall be distributed to the organization selected be the members of the Society at a biennial meeting and engaged in activities similar to those for which the Society was established.

IX. Amendments

Amendment of this Constitution shall be initiated by a proposal signed by at least twenty Members of the Society in good standing, which shall be delivered to the Secretary of the Society at least four months prior to the biennial meeting. The proposed amendments shall be immediately referred to the officers of the Society. Within thirty days thereafter, the Secretary shall send notice of the proposed amendment to the Member of the Society. Amendments may also be initiated by a majority vote of the Board of Trustees at least sixty days prior to the biennial meeting.
In such case the Secretary shall present the proposed amendment to the Membership at the biennial meeting. A two-thirds vote of the Members present and voting shall be required to adopt any amendment.

X. Bylaws

The board of Trustees shall have the power to make Bylaws for the government of Society and to alter, change, or amend such Bylaws. The Bylaws may be amended by two thirds vote of the Trustees present and voting at any regular or special meetings of the Board of Trustees.

Original Version: 1988

1st Revision: June 16, 2013

2nd Revision: June 29, 2021